After my second book was released, I was approached by a good friend, a childhood counsellor, who asked me to do a paid job for her.
The job entailed me to match up 12 pictures from both of my children's books to corresponding human emotions.
These illustrations have been edited, had business logos attached and are now awaiting printing. The flip side of this job is to create another blank file the same size, attach a thumbnail photo of the emotions, with a scripture on the card, these cards will then be used for certain cases, where children cannot verbally communicate what trauma they have been through, or how they are feeling.
Word got around what I was doing and suddenly a friend contacted me and asked me to do her a drawing with her favourite scripture and so began a new venture...

Psalm 92:1 was the theme, my customer wanted something cute and quirky, like my children's book characters, her reaction was priceless...

Psalm 23 was the theme, from a friend in NSW, I had a completely different picture in mind, however it didn't sit right with me, so I decided to just paint from the heart.
When it was finished, I was so amazed to see the resemblance to one of our dams on an old property that we rented years ago in the late 90"s, where this young man would come out to visit us and say how peaceful the place made him feel, it was a win, win, he loved the framed painting.

Jeremiah 29:11 was the theme for this one, it was for a young man, that based on suicide prevention, it was turned into a painting and had the scripture added over the top.

My latest work was a request from a lady who visits her partner in an Aged Care facility all the time.
Being bedbound, yet loving the beach and dolphins, they asked me to come up with a backdrop that made them look they were on holidays.
So with a lot of creative licence and buying some digital products, I was able to cut them out with PS and give them the dream of being on the beach together, they were over the moon and so thankful.
This sort of art, whether it be photography, painting or illustrating is the most rewarding of all, it is making a difference in the lives of others, who are going through pain of some sort, or who have overcome and would love the reminder of what road they have travelled and won.