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     Tizzy Tickle Egg Detective

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Tizzy Tickle Egg detective, is the second book written and illustrated by me.

How did I get the title?

The very same friend who proofread my first book, "Daphne's Destiny", came up to me in church one morning, she was just coming to say hello, then in one excited breath, she recited this very book title and said, "THINK ABOUT THAT"!

Tizzy was one of my favourite characters from the first book, but I had no idea how this book was going to look, I thought on it for three days and by that time, I had the story outline, I had worked out how Tizzy got her new name Tizzy Tickle, but I still needed to work out what she was going to investigate!

I was vacuuming my upstairs office on the fourth day and a bolt of inspiration hit me! I have a foam box full of ostrich and emu eggs sitting around doing nothing, it was then that I had the idea of Tizzy investigating giant eggs.

Once the basic story line was set, I started writing and then like usual, the story took on a life of it's own, after two to three weeks of scribbling, the story was done, then I had to learn to draw different characters, like a rooster and emus!

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The drawings took quite some time! however since writing the first book, I had acquired a new glass art table, which is portable, a very good purchase, that made drawing pictures much easier and more comfortable.

During this stint of drawing these pictures, we were struck with Covid-19 and on Easter Sunday I broke my pinky toe on my right foot, it was very painful and earned me two weeks off work, so with my portable desk I was able to continue drawing with feet elevated!


After a period of around 5 months, the book was complete!

This story, like Daphne's Destiny, has an important message, to not be afraid of other people, if they are different from us, to accept that what we fear, is just something we don't yet know about.


Through some heart warming and funny twists, Tizzy and King Phillipe, save the day, with their investigative work that was forced upon them to do, in order to save the coop, what they thought was destruction upon them, was in actual fact a blessing and a very big lesson!g


Tizzy Tickle Egg Detective books are $15.00 each, with $5.00 postage and handling.

If you would like a copy, send me an email or contact me through my FB icon and I will arrange a signed copy!is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

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