Once in a while, I have an oopsie in the kitchen and I burn things!!
A couple of days ago, I was making a big breakfast for tea, as you do! It had been a long day at work, so easy pickings it was!
I burned one of the eggs, a bit of egg white went rogue across the frying pan, so at the end of dinner I was left with this big brown speckled mess.
As I picked it up out of the frying pan and was talking to hubby, the light and the eggy mess connected, my eyes popped!!!!
Hubby, says " oh why don't you take a photo", "Good idea", I replied.
The next afternoon after work, I took the eggy mess upstairs and placed it on a light so I could catch the detail. then I took some pics with my macro lens, what a surprise find it was!
Today, I placed it over all my social media pages and asked people to try and guess what it was, one particular group I had fun with nearly all day, in the end throwing out cryptic clues, I should have done this a long time ago, I was having a ball, so was everyone else.
The mystery was finally solved this afternoon by this one group, other groups had already solved the enigma.
So without further adieu, here are several photos of my messy, burned egg white!